anping old street 在 Tainan Taiwan - TOP 6 Things To Do! 「Ft.元元」 的影片資訊
We are checking out all the BEST places in TAINAN: 1. Sicao Green Tunnel 2. Cigu Salt Mountain 3. Ta...
We are checking out all the BEST places in TAINAN: 1. Sicao Green Tunnel 2. Cigu Salt Mountain 3. Ta...
喜歡偶們的頻道嗎?歡迎訂閱 ➡ 台南必去旅遊景點:台南安平老街 開放時間:全天開放 門票:免門票 因為去台南玩,順道帶了馬爾濟斯小可愛,與約克夏旺旺,去遊...
台南必去旅遊景點:孔廟 Chihkan Tower(Fort Provintia) 開放時間:每天8:30~17:30 門票:全票$50/半票$25 因為去台南玩,順道帶了馬爾濟斯小可愛,與約克夏旺...
Come with my Mom and I to visit Tainan on our first day of our Summer Tour of Taiwan! We visit the o...